> > var_dump (realpath('temp')); > > I am trying to check whether /lists/admin/temp exists (which it does). > > This dir doesn't exists. The '/' at the beginning of path means: path is > from root (unix) or from e.g. c:\ (windows) > > Outputs from > > var_dump(realpath("../../lists/admin/temp")) > var_dump(realpath('temp')); > > are same and thus you working directory is 'C:\...\htdocs\lists\admin'. > If you need check existence of dir 'temp' in your current working > directory you can try one of: > > is_dir('temp'); > is_dir('./temp'); > is_dir('C:\...\htdocs\lists\admin\temp'); > I see. I thought this function would work with paths relative to the webroot. Thanks for pointing out my mistake. Does such a function exist? The problem I have is that this path is set in the config section of a 3rd party tool I'm using, and called from various pages within the site. I don't want to hack the code, as that will make upgrades more difficult to apply. Hard-coding the path from c: won't work well either, as that path is different in the development and live environments. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php