Dear Sir, I wonder if you can help me with the following probem?? I am using: Windows XP Professional Apache HTTP Server 2.054 PHP 5.0.4 MySQL 4.1 Apache and MySQL are running I have installed PHP, but when I use my browser to view the following test file: <html> <head> <title>My PHP Test</title> </head> <body> hello html world <?PHP phpinfo(); ?> </body> </html> I can see hello html world When I do a 'view source' in the web browser I can see the source code of my PHP script. I presume that this means that the web server did not send the script to PHP for interpretation. Something is wrong with the server configuration . My Apache is set up in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2 with the files stored in the htdocs folder PHP is set up in C:\PHP I have edited the httpd file anmd looked at the php.ini file that is stored in C:\windows Where am I going wrong???? regards Tony Prodger