Aaron Gould wrote:
Denis Gerasimov wrote:
setlocale (LC_ALL,"ru");
$domain = 'messages';
echo bindtextdomain ($domain, 'D:\intranet\wwwroot\lng');
echo textdomain ($domain);
echo bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8');
echo gettext("string");
anyone who has worked with locales on different machines/platforms
will probably run into the problem that locales are different and/or
differently named on alot of systems...
for this reason (I believe) set_locale() allows you to pass
an array of locale names as the second arg - the first one found will be used...
e.g. (I use dutch locales alot):
setlocale( LC_ALL,
'nl') );
maybe that helps a bit.
Here's what I use to set my language (to French in this case). It works
100% of the time for me:
// Set locale to preferred language
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR');
bindtextdomain('messages', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/locale');
I don't do the "putenv" line that you have, so I'm not sure if it's
it sometimes is I believe - depends on your setup (e.g. if your using CGI version)
- don't hold me to that I could be completely wrong.
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