yeah, if you look at the thread you will see that I've already done this.
On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, adriano ghezzi wrote:
did you tried to run the script from the shell as www-data user ?
(if not su www-data) an then run the script may be something regarding
2005/9/21, John Nichel <john@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
ernst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I have two programs on two servers, and they both have similar problems.
In each one, I use 'exec' to call a helper program. In one case, it is
ecasound, which I use to resample an mp3. In the other, it is convert,
which creates a thumbnail of a very large image the user has uploaded.
In both cases, the exec command fails. Not all the time, but some
times. In both cases, the command that is being called by exec will
work fine at the command line. I assume that there is some memory /
resource limit that is being breached when this happens, but I don't
know what it is, or how to tell php to allow my programs to run. Any
Or is save mode on?
John C. Nichel
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