Re: core files

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Jon wrote:
OK, OK,  Ha-ha  Thought that you guys could read my mind...

no this is php-generals not php-psychics - easy mistake to make tho ;-)
glad to see you can take a little stick :-) you'll do well here ;-)

to start with, it will probably help to track down the problem if
you turn off safe_mode and don't use open_basedir for the moment. (don't know if you do)

Here is the error
Warning: fopen(C:\windows\Desktop\php\php pages\phpout.txt)
[function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
C:\windows\Desktop\php\php pages\phpout.txt on line 12

what does your fopen() line look like?

and of course the fwrite and fclose do not work cause the file is an invalid

I have a few computers with php installed they are all Win based except for
one nix based server.  The script that I want to make portable will need to
run on a Windows ME/9X box and an XP box.

Wind ME/9x are you mad? I would drop that shit quick (jmho).

On my testing computer I have an Installed version of PHP 5.0.3
when I run my script with this version I have no problems

On a different computer I have xampplite from The version in it is
5.0.4 according to the website.
I have no problems with this version either

so the problem is with the *nix box? which machine has problems?
a path like 'C:\windows\Desktop\php\php pages\phpout.txt' is not going to
work on a *nix box for sure, and also if its a *nix box you probably need to
set the permissions so that the user which php/webserver is running as
can create/modify a file in the relevant dir

What I have been trying to do is get the files needed for my script to run
and not have to have a lot of files that I don't need.  So I made a dir on
my desktop and copied in the files that I know I need and modified the
php.ini accordingly but for some reason fwrite is not working. It is not
creating the file.
 I have a file list if it is necessary.

Thanks again...

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