Hi All
I am having an issue when trying to parse an xml document with namespaces.
The XML data I am trying to parse looks like the following
<my:object name="__root">%3Chtml%3E%0A%3Chead%3E%0A%3Ctitle%3E<my:variable
A small script to reproduce the problem I am having is as follows (note:
This isnt pretty I know ;-))
$sFile = "data.xml";
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create_ns();
if (!($pFile = fopen($sFile, "r")))
die("could not open XML input");
$sData = fread($pFile, filesize($sFile));
if (!xml_parse_into_struct($xml_parser, $sData, $aVals, $aIndex))
$nErrorCode = xml_get_error_code($xml_parser);
$sError = xml_error_string($nErrorCode);
$sErrorMessage = 'XML Parser Error: Error Code: ' . $nErrorCode . ' Error
String: ' . $sError . ' Line Number: ' .
trigger_error($sErrorMessage, E_USER_WARNING);
This script works perfectly on all versions of PHP on Windows.. however
as soon as I test this on a FreeBSD box running 4.4.0 or a CentOS box
running 4.3.9 I get the same error
Warning: XML Parser Error: Error Code: 27 Error String: unbound prefix
Line Number: 1 in /usr/local/www/data-dist/xml/test.php on line 18
If I change
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create_ns();
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
It does work on both platforms.
The question is (finally ;-)) can anyone see anything wrong with what I
am trying to do? Is there an issue in xml_parse_into_struct when used
with xml_parser_create_ns on non-windows platforms (the latter I dobut
as I have searched the php bugs section and havent found anything
relating to this).
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