phpdoc install trouble

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Im trying to setup the pear phpdocumentor class but running into many problems, i think ive nearly got all the include directories setup correct now, modified some paths etc, now when i get to the end of a compile via the command line it always says the followig with different files when differnt converters are used:-

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: phpdocumentor_get_class() in /docs/www/phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/Smarty/ on line 1122

Also Tried with web interface but get the following two error messages:-

Parsing configuration file phpDocumentor.ini...
using experimental tokenizer Parser
File  Ignored
ERROR: nothing parsed


Parsing configuration file phpDocumentor.ini...
Directory '' not found

Using PHP4.4.0 Apache 1.3.33 - ubuntu 5 with tokenizer ext, my phpDocumentor.ini settings are as follows:-

Program_Root = /docs/www/FormGenie

;; uncomment this to set the path phpDocumentor looks in to find user files
userdir = user/

;; Use useconfig if you want to be able to run phpdoc with no command-line options (!!) ;; change the value of useconfig to an .ini file that is in users/ (like greg.ini)
useconfig = demo

settings of demo.ini

target = /docs/www/FormGenie/docs

[Parse Data]
;; title of all the documentation
;; legal values: any string
title = FormGenie Documentation

;; parse files that start with a . like .bash_profile
;; legal values: true, false
hidden = false

;; show elements marked @access private in documentation by setting this to on
;; legal values: on, off
parseprivate = on

;; parse with javadoc-like description (first sentence is always the short description)
;; legal values: on, off
javadocdesc = off


;; add any custom @tags separated by commas here
;; legal values: any legal tagname separated by commas.
;customtags = mytag1,mytag2

;; what is the main package?
;; legal values: alphanumeric string plus - and _
defaultpackagename = FormGenie

;; output any parsing information?  set to on for cron jobs
;; legal values: on
;quiet = on

;; limit output to the specified packages, even if others are parsed
;; legal values: package names separated by commas
;packageoutput = package1,package2

;; comma-separated list of files to parse
;; legal values: paths separated by commas
;filename = /path/to/file1,/path/to/file2,fileincurrentdirectory
;;filename =

;; comma-separated list of directories to parse
;; legal values: directory paths separated by commas
;directory = /path1,/path2,.,..,subdirectory
directory = /docs/www/FormGenie

;; comma-separated list of files, directories or wildcards ? and * (any wildcard) to ignore
;; legal values: any wildcard strings separated by commas
;ignore = /path/to/ignore*,*list.php,myfile.php,subdirectory/
;;ignore = templates_c/,*HTML/default/*,spec/

;; comma-separated list of Converters to use in outputformat:Convertername:templatedirectory format ;; legal values: HTML:frames:default,HTML:frames:l0l33t,,HTML:frames:phphtmllib ;; HTML:frames:phpedit,HTML:frames:DOM/default,HTML:frames:DOM/l0l33t,HTML:frames:DOM/ ;; HTML:Smarty:default,HTML:Smarty:PHP,PDF:default:default,CHM:default:default,XML:DocBook:default

Thanks for any help,


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