How to output a PNG with GD with same headers as pre-existing PNG file

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I am trying to get a PNG created with GD to output exactly as a pre-existing PNG file on the server I have an app that is being very finicky about how it is loading images :(

Within Quicktime, If I point to the PNG file directly on the server, it works.

this works:
$image = isset($_GET['image'])? $_GET['image']:"yolanda.png";
$image = "./".$image;
$imageInfo = getimagesize($image);
$mime = $imageInfo['mime'];

header ("Content-Length:".filesize($image));
header ("Cache-Control:".$cacheInfo);

If I output a PNG with GD, it does not work within Quicktime for the PC.
My guess is that Quicktime for PC is very finicky when it comes to headers :(

[excerpt from php script]

$im    = imagecreatefrompng($image);
imagettftext($im, $fontSize, 0, 17, 20, $color, $font, $text);
imageAlphaBlending($im, true);
imageSaveAlpha($im, true);

//    Output handler
function output_handler($im) {
   header('Content-type: image/png');
   header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($im));
   header('Cache-Control:no-store, no-cache');
   return $im;

//    Image output

anyone know a bullet proof way to output the headers to look like a pre-existing PNG file ?

many thanks in advance


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