Mikey wrote:
Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
Philip Hallstrom wrote:
Then use an HTML meta refresh (or javascript, just not
Header("Location...) to redirect them to another page.
Why not header("Location...")? Just out of interest -- it's always
worked for me, and it's a much better way to redirect users for many
reasons[1] (like not breaking the back button).
[1] http://www.w3.org/QA/Tips/reback
Because if you just re-direct to a new location then the cookie that you
have also set in the headers will not reach the client.
That is not true. The output to the client will look like this:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Set-Cookie: name=value;domain=whatever
Location: http://my.domain.com/my.php
Therefore the cookie does reach the client, and unless the client is
buggy it will set the cookie. In my experience most modern browsers have
no problem with this, but if someone else has more experience with this
than me then please correct me.
Jasper Bryant-Greene
Freelance web developer
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