Auugh!! Why would you want to do this? You're flying in the face of
relational database theory and practice. Position of a record in the table
is, or should be irrelevant.
What if you have twenty thousand records, or two hundred, and the 45th
record in the table is deleted? Fetching an ID from anything beyond that
record, based on the order of insertion (position), is instantly broken.
Please rethink what you want to do, and if you are not familiar with
relational databases read some of the excellent tutorials available on the
'Net about them and their design. It's pretty straightforward, common sense
stuff -- but you can back yourself into an awkward corner.
Regards - Miles
At 07:54 PM 8/31/2005, Gustav Wiberg wrote:
Hi there!
Is there any function in PHP that gives an ID from a MySQL-db based on
which position the record has in the table?
Let's say, there's a table like this:
1. Record1 ID 33
2. Record2 ID 76
3. Record3 ID 100
If I know position 2, I want to get ID 76. Is the only way to loop through
the recordset?
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