most probably, things like XSS (Cross-Site-Scripting) and SQL-Injections
might lead to a successfull hacking-attempt.
If you try to write your own online store, make sure that you do NOT use
Try to google for XSS and SQL-Injections, there might be plenty of
information on the web.
"Good night"-wishes from Germany
I was checking on several php/mysql based on line store, free and
commercial, but didn't find any that fits the best for us. Looks like,
it would be the best to develop one.
To make a online store that works fine - it shouldn't be such a big
To make a SECURE ad SAFE online store - that's the tough one form me.
Before I even start building the store, can somebody point usual
"traps" and problems, and security problems that usually happen, some
advices, any advices?
Thanks for any help!
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