ensure you have php_mysql.dll on c:\PHP\ext and don't forget to check php.ini location, it must comply with httpd.conf ( see PHPIniDir ".....") and restart apache after editing both of files. ________________________________ From: Glen Zimmerman [mailto:GlenZ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Sat 27-Aug-2005 01:08 To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: PHP MySql Extension No Loading I am setting up Apache 2.0.54 with PHP 5.0.4 on a Windows 2000 work station running MySQL 4.1.12a-nt. When I start Apache, I receive the error message, "PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\PHP\ext\php_mysql.dll'. I have C:\PHP set in the environment variable path. In the php.ini file I have the following set(I have tried it with both the final "\" included and excluded): extension_dir = "C:\PHP\ext\" I do not get an error when I try to load the php_oci8.dll. Just for php_mysql.dll. What am I missing? DISCLAIMER: The information in this email is confidential and proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use, or disclose the contents of this communication. Please permanently delete this e-mail and all copies that you may have. This information may be subject to privilege or may otherwise be protected by legal rules.