Re: one more mysql question

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Sebastian wrote:
they are just grumpy old men i guess..
I'm niether - I believe John Nichel is a little older than I.
he for one has been on this list fielding questions longer than you
have been writing php code sebastian. complete noobs often get some slack,
even with offtopic questions + a gentle nudge - lazy people get a kick in the ass.
people who have been asking questions (primarily) for a while (e.g. afan)
will eventually run out of credit and find themselves on the shortend
of a bit John Nichel humor (for instance).

yes humor - at least I thought his comment was funny - which is part of
what makes this list fun to be on.

it is not like you asked a windows question on a linux list.. i've seen stupid html questions here.. yet they get answered.


you might see a reason why 'stupid HTML' question are possibly a little
more relevant, generally speaking, than pure SQL syntax questions.

i always try to help when i can and if i cant offer help i dont say 
anything because that wasnt the way i was raised. it is rude.
rude is lying about 9-11 to the whole world, or invading a country
in order to boost your country's weapons & oil industry, or gang-raping
12yo's (dutch news)

those are rude - maybe a bit of relativity is in order sebastian.

at least if it was too "offtopic" for the list someone could of just 
nicely said "ask on the mysql list" but that wasn't case.
anyway, consider this a done deal as you already received help.

afan@xxxxxxxx wrote:

Hey! Stop it!
I put a question on wrong place. I was "nailed" for it by John. I accepted I was wrong. I apologized.
What do you want now? Sebastian wanted to help – in difference to you 
and John. Even it’s “wrong place”. I guess you would never stop and 
help to car in trouble on highway because you are IT or “it’s not your 
department”, ha?
not if it was Dubya's car. although I might swerve to catch him with a big puddle
of water ;-). actually I can't fix cars for shit but I have helped complete strangers
push their cars to the edge of the road before ... aren't I great ;-)

C’mon… It’s really not place to be sarcastic…
I was having a joke with John - if you took yourself a little less seriously
afan you might have been able to laugh too - besides I grew up in england...
where sarcasm is is part of national curriculum ;-) an art form no less. which
might account for something.


Jochem Maas wrote:

John Nichel wrote:

Sebastian wrote:

while were not on the subject ....
John I have a question about your wife ...

oh shit wrong list ;-)

no no I meant to ask about sand - how do I make a CPU using the stuff?

take what other say with a grain of salt.. im sure you're using php to pull info from mysql anyway..

And he might be using Apache on Linux like the majority of PHP users. More than likely outputting some HTML and maybe some JavaScript. Probably using a PC too. So what?
the fact is without mysql php would be nowhere where it is today.. its like peanut butter w/o the jelly..

The fact is, without IBM, PHP would be nowhere it is today. Say, here's an idea, let's just make this the "IBM and anything which relates to it" list.
see my reply in the other email.. im sure it will work for you.

I'll be sure to tell everyone on the MySQL list that they can shut it down, since you have it covered over here.

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