Nahalingam Kanakavel wrote:
Now I am doing a project using PHP, in that I created a form.
That form has a field called e-mailid, to validate that I need a script
(function), whether I have to write it in the server side or client side,
which one is better?. I need your suggestions, If any script is there plz
send it to me.
If I was creating such a script I would validate it both on the
client-side and the server-side. The reason for this is that client-side
validation can be fooled, but server-side validation requires a
round-trip to the server.
If you validate on the client-side you will save your users time as
errors will be detected without a trip to the server, but you still need
to validate on the server-side to ensure that they haven't bypassed the
client-side validation in any way.
As far as an actual script goes, either read the relevant RFC for email
addresses at [1], or just Google for PHP email validation [2].
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