Re: PHP 4.3.9 - Undefined variable: authed in

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Trevor Tregoweth wrote:
Hi There

point 1: you started a new thread by replying to an existing thread - BAD.
point 2: the errors (notices) are telling you something. read them.
if you don't understand them, try google first, then

hint: your php config has changed - error reporting has been set
to also show E_NOTICE level errors. change it back and you won't see
them any more (they were alway there btw). e.g.

error_reporting( error_reporting() & ^E_NOTICE ); // don't show notices

or set display_errors ini directive in php.ini

I am trying to run a simple password /php / mysql script for a web page and
get the following errors, it works fine on a earlier versions of php / mysql

PHP Notice: Undefined variable: help_out_uid in
/var/www/html/lcc/secure/secure.php on line 87,
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: authed in
/var/www/html/lcc/secure/secure.php on line 34

mysql Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.58, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386)

PHP 4.3.9 (cgi) (built: Oct 20 2004 14:52:04)

Thanks for you help

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