Hello, I have a site that allows developers to upload current modules to
the webserver. It has been requested that when this is done, I also ftp a
backup copy to a remote server. Something is wrong here. The file upload
code works. The back ftp code works,only if I comment out the
move_uploaded_file() function. I can not get them both to work. After the
move_uploaded_file() function moves the file to the webserver, the
ftp_put() fails, but if I comment out the move_uploaded_file(), the
ftp_put() works. Can anyone help me with this? I have posted this on other
forums and working on this for a couple of weeks now.
1. I am uploading the module to the webserver.
2. Then in the next step want to ftp same module to backup server.
So Step 1
$path = "../modules";
if (!is_dir($path))
if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['srcfile']['tmp_name'],
Which works. THis uploads the module to the webserver to the set location
then Step 2
$ftp = ftp_connect('server goes here');
// login with username and password
if (ftp_login($ftp, 'username', 'password'))
ftp_pasv ( $ftp, true );
if (ftp_put($ftp, "public_html/temp/" . $_FILES['srcfile']['name'],
$_FILES['srcfile']['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY))
$message = "File uploaded";
die("Could not upload file");
die("Could not login to FTP account");
if (!empty($message))
echo $message;
// close the FTP stream
The only way this second FTP code works is if I comment out the first
upload code,
$path = "../modules";
if (!is_dir($path))
//if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['srcfile']['tmp_name'],
Can anyone tell me if the problem is a ftp stream being left open and that
is why I can not get the second portion of my code to work? Is there a way
to get both of these to work together? I need not only to be able to
upload to the webserver but ftp a backup copy to the remote server as
Thank you for any help.
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