Jack Jackson wrote:
g.gill wrote:
From what I understand the simplest solution here would be to check
to see
if you have $_POST['cb'] in the first place. That would indicate if
checkbox was selected or not. After, you have posted the form just do
the following test.
$check_box_exits = ((isset($_POST['cb']))? true:false);
That helped, sonu, thank you. The problem now is that, how can I pass
through $_POST the names of each specific checkbox, whether filled in or
not, and then parse each to see if they have any answer? I need to do
that or else I can only tell the ones which *have* been filled in but
not those which have not.
wtf are you smoking Jack? every checkbox that was checked will exist in the
$_POST array set with the value you gave it (I alway set a chekcboxes value to 1
because the values mere existance in the submitted data indicates it's chevckbox
was checked), if a checkbox does not exist in the $_POST array it wasn't checked!!!
imagine you have 10 checkboxes named 'cb1' thru 'cb10' each with a value of '1',
upon submitting the form they are in, your script sees the following in the $_POST
$_POST = array('cb1' => '1', 'cb9' => '1', 'cb10' => '1');
which tells you 3 checkboxes were checked... namely 'cb1', 'cb9' and 'cb10'
now how hard is it to determine which we're not checked?
maybe I'm not seeing the problem but I get the impression that you are
over complicating things regarding checkbox.
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