Andy Pieters wrote:
Hi all
I am in the process of creating an installer for my php application.
During the test proces, it does this:
isdir(root)?>create dir root
ok?>chmod 0777
isdir(root/child)?>create dir root/child
ok?>chmod 0777
isdir(root/child/grandchild)?>create dir root/child/grandchild
ok?>chmod 0777
The script fails on the grandchild part:
when you are testing your script does 'child' already exist?
does the chmod(777) actually change the perms?
what dirs exists before you start the test? (and what are the
perms?) ... try doing an 'ls -Rt' on the 'root' dir.
stat failed for /root/child/grandchild (errno=13 - Permission denied)
when I try to force the hand and create it anyway:
mkdir() failed (Permission denied)
The files/directories are owned by the 'nobody' user... the same as the
apache&php user.
Anybody know how to remedy this problem?
With kind regards
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