Merlin wrote:
Hi Burhan,
you posted a while ago to the php user group:
This is an example of what my script outputs :
Source available if you are interested.
I would be interested to try that code and alter it to fit my needs.
Would that be possible?
Merlin :
Sure. A lot of people have requested this, so I'm going to post it
online for all to see. I think I found this script (or a version of it)
online somewhere and modified it. I can't remember where exactly.
Anyway, I have posted the script's source at
The font used in the script is available at
You can use any other font, provided you change the $font variable in
the script. The script sets a session variable turing_string with the
text of the image (this is what you compare the user's input with).
The script is not very complex, and has a few comments. Let me know
if you have any other questions.
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