Freing memory resources?

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Hi there!

I have a script that runs about 10 minutes... Localy on my computer (Windows XP 2.6Ghz, Apache) the computer hangs a little now and then when the script is running. Is there any good way of releasing more memory while the script is running? The script could take 20 minutes, it's not a big matter how long the script takes. (As long as the server can do other things at the same time)

(In production environment, the php-script is on Apache and Linux (if it matters))

Best regards
Gustav Wiberg

Here is my script:
//This script was updated 2005-06-16
//by Gustav Wiberg / gustav@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
//Please visit

//Parameters that sets the rules for importing
static $fileName = "import/GNTprisfil.txt";
static $logFileName = "logfiles/gnt.txt";
static $limitSteps = 25;
static $saldoColumn = 6;
static $artNrColumn = 2;
static $priceColumn = 5;
static $row = 1;
static $updateActions = 0;
static $deleteActions = 0;
static $checkLev = "gn-";

//Function for creating a logfile
//and writing to screen
function writeNow($str, $logFileName) {

//Create a handle for writing (appending)
$logHandle = fopen($logFileName,"a");

 fwrite($logHandle, "$str\r\n");
 echo $str . "<br>";

//Close file for writing to logfile

//Set limitstart for first time
if (!isset($limitStart)) {$limitStart = 0;}

if (isset($_REQUEST["updateActions"])) {$updateActions = $_REQUEST["updateActions"];} if (isset($_REQUEST["deleteActions"])) {$deleteActions = $_REQUEST["deleteActions"];}
if (isset($_REQUEST["startTime"])) {$startTime = $_REQUEST["startTime"];}

if ($_REQUEST["limitstart"]) {
 $limitStart = $_REQUEST["limitstart"];

require ("phpfunctions/opendb.php");

$sql = "SELECT COUNT(IDVara) cn FROM tbvara WHERE Varunamn LIKE '$checkLev%'";
   $querys = mysql_query($sql);

   //Count products in db
   if ($limitStart == 0) {

     $dbArray = mysql_fetch_array($querys);
     $nrOfProducts = $dbArray["cn"];
     echo "Antal produkter: $nrOfProducts";

   //Create logfile or delete all content from current logfile
   $logHandle = fopen($logFileName,"wb");

     //Get starttime of script
     $startTime = time();

   else {

     $nrOfProducts = $_REQUEST["nrofproducts"];


  if ($limitStart > $nrOfProducts) {
    $nrSeconds = time() - $startTime;
    $nrMinutes = $nrSeconds / 60;
<b>Klar</b> med uppdatering av saldo och ev. borttagningar för <b>GNT</b>.<br><br> <b>Tid för uppdatering:</b> <?php echo $nrSeconds;?> sekunder eller <?php echo $nrMinutes;?> minuter<br><br>
    <b>Antal uppdateringar:</b> <?php echo $updateActions;?><br>
<b>Antal produkter som ej visas efter uppdatering: </b> <?php echo $deleteActions;?><br> <a href="captech_checksaldo_step2.php?deleteActions=0&updateActions=0">Kolla captech produkter</a>

   //Check if the filename exists first!
   //If not, then exit script

   if (!file_exists($fileName)) {

       echo "Filen $fileName finns inte!<br>Avslutar scriptet nu!";


   //Go through database with products from GNT
$sql = "SELECT tbvara.IDVara, tbvara.Saldo, tbvara.startPris, tbvara.Varunamn, tbvara.synligVara, tbvara.lastPris, tbunderkategori.marginalProcent, tbunderkategori.Underkategori FROM tbvara"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN tbunderkategorivara ON (tbvara.IDVara = tbunderkategorivara.ForIDVara)"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN tbunderkategori ON (tbunderkategori.IDUnderKategori = tbunderkategorivara.ForIDUnderKategori)"; $sql .= " WHERE Varunamn LIKE '$checkLev%' AND tbunderkategori.marginalProcent>-1 AND tbunderkategori.Underkategori<>'Ej tilldelade' ORDER BY IDVara LIMIT $limitStart,$limitSteps";
   //echo $sql;
   $querys = mysql_query($sql);

   while ($toarray = mysql_fetch_array($querys)) {

       //Get current row from db
       $idproduct = $toarray["IDVara"];
       $dbSaldo = $toarray["Saldo"];
       $dbArtNr = $toarray["Varunamn"];
       $dbPris = $toarray["startPris"];
       $dbSynligVara = $toarray["synligVara"];
       $dbLastPris = $toarray["lastPris"];
       $dbMarginalProcent = $toarray["marginalProcent"];
       $dbUnderKategori = $toarray["Underkategori"];

       //Taken from table tbunderkategori
       $marginalProcent = intval($dbMarginalProcent);

//Delete $checkLev from string $dbArtNr for the sake of comparing
           //(take away the three first characters)
           $dbArtNr = substr($dbArtNr, 3);

           //Go through whole textfile and compare with current row in db
           $handle = fopen($fileName, "r");

           $foundProduct= false;

           while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) {

              $textSaldo = $data[$saldoColumn];
              $textArtNr = $data[$artNrColumn];
              $textPris = $data[$priceColumn];

//Default marginal is 15 when marginal isn't set for undercategory
               if (intval($marginalProcent) == 0) {

                 $marginalProcent = 15;


//echo "Marginal för underkategori $dbUnderKategori är $marginalProcent%<br>";

               //Set price based on price from textfile + marginal set
               //for undercategory
$newPrice = $textPris + (($textPris * ($marginalProcent/100)));
               $newPrice = round($newPrice,0);

              if (isset($textArtNr) AND isset($textSaldo) AND $row>1) {

//If there is an occurence of article-nr for product in textfile
                   //that matches the one in current row in database...
                   if ($textArtNr == $dbArtNr) {

                     $foundProduct= true;

//If saldo for product isn't the same for product in textfile, //OR price for product isn't' the same for product in textfile
                       //THEN do something...
if (strtolower($textSaldo) != strtolower($dbSaldo) OR strtolower($newPrice) != strtolower($dbPris) OR $dbSynligVara == 'N') {

                           $sql2 = "UPDATE tbvara";
                           $sql2 .= " SET Saldo=" . safeQuote($textSaldo);

                           //Update price only if newPrice is over zero
//newPrice IS zero when marginalProcent is set to zero based on marginalProcent
                           //from tbunderkategori
//Price from vendor must also be higher than zero //If price is locked (lastPris), then don't update specific price
                           if ($dbLastPris == 'N') {

if (intval($newPrice) > 0 AND intval($textPris) > 0) {

$sql2 .= ", startPris=" . safeQuote($newPrice);



                           $sql2 .= ", synligVara=" . safeQuote('Y');
$sql2 .= " WHERE IDVara=" . safeQuote($idproduct) . " LIMIT 1";
                           $querys2 = mysql_query($sql2);
                           $writeTo = "Produkt: $dbArtNr";
                           writeNow($writeTo, $logFileName);

$writeTo = "marginalpåslag i %: $marginalProcent (Underkategori: $dbUnderKategori)";
                           writeNow($writeTo, $logFileName);

                           if ($dbSaldo != $textSaldo) {
$writeTo = "Föregående saldo: $dbSaldo har ändrats till: $textSaldo";
                               writeNow($writeTo, $logFileName);

                           if ($dbPris != $newPrice) {
$writeTo = "Föregående pris = $dbPris har ändrats till: $newPrice";
                               writeNow($writeTo, $logFileName);

                           $writeTo = "Ändring fungerade bra:";
                           writeNow($writeTo, $logFileName);

                           $wrongSQL = mysql_error();

                           //No errors when sql query was executed
                           if (strlen($wrongSQL)==0) {
                               $writeTo = "Ja";
                               writeNow($writeTo, $logFileName);

                           else {
                             //Error when sql-query was executed
                               $writeTo = "Nej - fel $wrongSQL";
                               writeNow($writeTo, $logFileName);

$writeTo = "-------------------------------------------------";
                           writeNow($writeTo, $logFileName);

                       //echo "<b>YES</b>! $sql2";




         //End of textfile


         if ($foundProduct == false AND $dbSynligVara == 'Y') {

$sql2 = "UPDATE tbvara SET synligVara=" . safeQuote('N') . " WHERE IDVara=" . safeQuote($idproduct) . " LIMIT 1";
           //echo $sql2;
           $querys2 = mysql_query($sql2);


       //END Go through database with products from GNT

//Increase limitstart to begin after current limitSteps
$limitStart = $limitStart + $limitSteps + 1;

<script language="Javascript">
window.location = 'gnt_checksaldo_step2.php?limitstart=<?php echo $limitStart;?>&nrofproducts=<?php echo $nrOfProducts;?>&deleteActions=<?php echo $deleteActions;?>&updateActions=<?php echo $updateActions;?>&startTime=<?php echo $startTime;?>'; </script>
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