I have a windows machine with Firebird and the default database.
I've configured another machine with Apache and PHP. I want to write
PHP scripts to remotely access the Firebird database.
I followed the instructions at:
I changed the php.ini to enable the php_interbase.dll and the
php_gd2.dll by commenting out the two lines under Windows Extensions
I also copied gds32.dll from the php directory to the
C:\windows\system32 directory.
I restarted Apache.
This is in my PHP script:
$host = "\fbwin50\fbdata\fbdata.fdb";
$username = "SYSDBA";
$password = "masterkey";
$dbh = ibase_pconnect ($host, $username, $password);
$sth = ibase_query ($dbh, $stmt);
I get the following error:
Warning: ibase_pconnect() [function.ibase-pconnect]: Unable to
complete network request to host "". Failed to locate host
machine. Undefined service gds_db/tcp. in
d:\htdocs\Website\PHP\dtest.php on line 17
Warning: ibase_query() [function.ibase-query]: invalid database
handle (no active connection) in d:\htdocs\Website\PHP\dtest.php on
line 20
I was able to use isql to remotely connect using the parameters above.
What am I not doing on the PHP end to get this to work?