Hopefully I understand your question correctly.
You have this SQL:
$media_query = 'SELECT media_id,media_name FROM media GROUP BY media_name';
"For every media_id which is associated with $cartoon in the table
media_art, check the box; for all others leave them unchecked."
The problem is, the SQL you have is not returning every media_id
(because you're grouping on media_name). I wonder if you truly need to
group on media_name. I would assume that media_name is unique in the
media table. If it is not, then you need to rethink your table
structure. If you group on media_name and there are duplicate
media_names, you can have data like this:
media_id media_name
4 Name1
16 Name1
Grouping by media_name as in your query above will produce a line like:
media_id media_name
4 Name1
You then output this to check boxes and use those to set the relation to
art and media. But what's the difference between media_id 4 and
media_id 16? In this case, if the database always returns the group by
this way, you would never set the media_id 16. If there is a distinct
difference between media_names with different ids, then I think you
probably need to make some changes.
That being said, if you do not need to group by media_name, then you can
simply do something like this:
select media.media_id, media.media_name, media_art.art_id, from media
left join media_art on media_art.media_id=media.media_id and
Which would return a table like this if $cartoon['art_id']=15:
media_id media_name art_id
4 Name1 NULL
8 Name2 15
12 Name3 NULL
16 Name4 15
17 Name5 NULL
18 Name6 NULL
You could then test the output of art_id:
$checkbox_media[] = "<input type='checkbox' name='media_types[]'
checked":"")."/>{$media_rows['media_name']} ";
Jack Jackson wrote:
With your help I got some checkboxes generated the other day for a
form. I would like some help getting a similar problem solved.
I am now making a form to edit db entries made in the previous form. I
have three tables involved: art, media and media_art. I need to show
checkboxes for all available media. For the chosen record ($cartoon,
which equals an art_id selected by the user) I must also go into the
media_art table, and where the selected art ID has a corresponding
media_id, display that media_id's media_name as a checked box.
TABLE media:
media_id media_name
1 ink
2 pencil
3 watercolor
4 gauche
5 watercolor pencil
To find out the art_id of the chosen record, the user is selecting
from a dropdown box in the form. I'm doing queries like this to make a
publisher dropdown in a similar vein:
$query = "SELECT * FROM art WHERE art.art_id = '$cartoon'";
$publisher_query = 'SELECT * FROM publisher';
$result = mysql_query($query);
$publisher_result = mysql_query($publisher_query);
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$publisher_dropdown = '<select name="publisher_id">';
while ($pub = mysql_fetch_assoc($publisher_result)){
$publisher_dropdown .= '<option value="' . $pub['publisher_id'];
if ($pub['publisher_id'] == $rows['publisher_id']){
$publisher_dropdown .= '" selected ';
$publisher_dropdown .= '">' . htmlentities($pub['publisher_name']);
$publisher_dropdown .= '</select>';
I now need to formulate how to make the checkboxes similarly. The
original setup to make the checkboxes was :
$media_query = 'SELECT media_id,media_name FROM media GROUP BY
$media_result = mysql_query($media_query);
$checkbox_media = array ();
$media_types = array();
while ($media_rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($media_result)){
$checkbox_media[] = "<input type='checkbox'
name='media_types[]' value='{$media_rows['media_id']}'
/>{$media_rows['media_name']} ";
Those which were checked were inserted into media_art thusly:
media_id art_id
3 1
4 1
5 1
What I want to do is say "For every media_id which is associated with
$cartoon in the table media_art, check the box; for all others leave
them unchecked.
How can I do this?
Thanks very much in advance,
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