Jason Barnett wrote:
Jochem Maas wrote:
Richard Lynch wrote:
On Wed, June 1, 2005 3:53 am, Marcus Bointon said:
On 1 Jun 2005, at 11:38, Jochem Maas wrote:
I opened up a feature request for this very topic a while back. The
__autoload function should just register user-defined functions and
store those func names in a stack so that (in turn) each function can
require the appropriate file. If the first registered function fails to
load the class then __autoload tries the next registered fucntion and so
on until all of the registered functions have been tried. At this point
if __autoload fails then we E_ERROR out explaining that __autoload could
not load the class definition.
As far as I can tell this is the cleanest solution that has been
provided, but there is some disagreement over some of the details on
this approach.
agreed, but as you point out - the devil is in the details. :-)
<just_kidding>Life would be so much easier if everyone just did things
like the PEAR coders do</just_kidding>
<say-it-like-a-pirate>that be fightin' talk m'friend ;-)</say-it-like-a-pirate>
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