Ok, thx, I've got it done. Dumb mistake, the user didn't have rights to delete, it's as simple as that. My trials thru the command line where as root.... thx guys janbro Richard Lynch schrieb: > What you are doing wrong is ignoring the error messages MySQL is storing > for you... > > > On Mon, May 30, 2005 12:37 pm, janbro said: > >>Hi List, I don't know where else to look. I've got PHP 5.0.0 and MySQL >>4.1.3. (on Windwows XP with Apache 2.0.50) >> >>Here is my Code: the Query with the delete is not executed and I don't >>know why. If I copy it into the MySQL Command line like it is here, >>everything works fine. I have another example with a more simple delete >>which works (same syntax) >> >>If I replace the delete with the insert statement it works. >> >>What 'am I doing wrong here? >> >> >> >> >>>public function DeleteOldFails (){ >>> $conClas=$this->con(); >>> $con=$conClas->mysqlConnect (); >>> >>> $query = "DELETE FROM LoginTracker WHERE >>>(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DateAttack)) > >>>3600;"; >>>// $query ="INSERT INTO LoginTracker (IPAttack, User) VALUES >>>('','user')"; >>> echo "$con<br>Diesen Auf ERFOLG TESTEN! LÖSCHT ER WAS ER SOLL? >>><br>$query<br>"; >>> print $con->query($query); > > > echo mysql_error(); > > >>> $con->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE LoginTracker "); >>> >>> $this->discon ($conClas, $con); >>> } >> >>thx >>janbro >> >>-- >>PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) >>To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php >> >> > > > -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php