Hi, First of all, my apologies to all list members for this dummy question. I've made my home work before posting here, but the truth is that i didn't found an answer for such a simple question. Only examples of more sophisticated related things. I have this piece of code that produces various checkboxes inside a form: ------------------------------------------------------------------- // select interesses names and values to build the chekboxes $recordSet = &$conn->Execute('SELECT interesses FROM interesses ORDER BY interesses ASC'); // build the checkboxe's list if (!$recordSet) print $conn->ErrorMsg(); else { while (!$recordSet->EOF) { print($recordSet->fields[0] . '<input name=\'interesses\' type=\'checkbox\' id=\'interesses\' value=' . $recordSet->fields[0] . '\'>'); echo"<br />"; $recordSet->MoveNext(); } $recordSet->Close(); $conn->Close(); } --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the correspondent HTML output: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Alojamento<input name='interesses' type='checkbox' id='interesses' value=Alojamento'><br /> Artesanato<input name='interesses' type='checkbox' id='interesses' value=Artesanato'><br /> Eventos<input name='interesses' type='checkbox' id='interesses' value=Eventos'> (etc.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- My dummy question, for which i apologise once more is: after submitting the form, how can i know which chekboxes were checked ? Thanking you in advance. Warm Regards, Mário Gamito -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php