Make sure you don't have any blankspace before or after the <?php ... ?>
in your stats.php file. That's usually what does it.
On Sat, 21 May 2005, Ross wrote:
I have the folowing code which checks whether the user has logged in.
if (!isset ($_SESSION['new_session'] ) )
$login_status = "<div class=\"standard_text\">Your are not signed in
if (isset ($_SESSION['new_session'] ) )
$address = $_SESSION['new_session'];
$login_status = "<div class=\"standard_text\">Your are signed in as <span
Now when I have this as a file to be included in each page, status.php (see
code) gives the header error (already sent).
When the code is pasted in each individual page it works fine. This is no
big deal but it is annoying me! why does this not work.
I have also tried require_once & include_once() but nothin works.
Later on in the page there is a form which sets some cookies and uses
php_self() to send the data to itself.
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