Terrence Mullin a écrit :
I have been trying to set an area at home to run and
test php and MySQL applications. I used the tutorial
on http://www.ricocheting.com/server/cgi.html
to install Apache, PHP, and MySQL. Everything is
working great except for trying to test a simple
connection to the MySQL database through php. I have
seen some other people quote on how PHP5 no longer
a direct link to MySQL. My platform is Windows XP at
the moment. I will shortly be partitioning two hard
drives for use of Linux on one of them. I would like
to know if there is a solution for WIndows XP. I
seen people just go back to php4 to correct this. I
was wondering if there is a simple way I can stick
with PHP5 and make my connections. I receive this
error right now:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function
mysql_connect() in C:\public_html\MySQLphptry.php on
line 18
Where line 18, is just the mydsql_connect ();
Thank you for your help in this I know myself as
as other forums out there would like to know a
solution if there is one.
Terry Mullin
Try to edit your PHP.INI file
check if PHP_MYSQL.DLL in declared as module...
if the file is in the path...
But try to use MySQLi or PDO (PHP 5.1 or PECL modules for PHP 5.0)
This is a must better way to acces mysql Database...
FENDT Charles
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