* Ryan A <ryan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> : > Thanks for replying. > > > SELECT * FROM > > `table` > > WHERE `age` BETWEEN 25 AND 26; > > I knew the above, but how do i use it with my date field when i have > birthdates like this: > 01-01-1969 > and 03-05-1955 Just like you would in the example above -- only with dates that are compliant with your RDBMS, and using the earliest date first. The formats you give -- 'MM-DD-YYYY' won't work in most RDBMS'; typically you go from most general to most specific, e.g. 'YYYY-MM-DD'. So, using the dates you gave: SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `age` BETWEEN '1955-03-05' AND '1969-01-01'; The date fields may be subject to the UNIX epoch; if so, neither of the dates above will be valid (epoch started 1970-01-01). Check the manual for your RDBMS to see if this is the case. Now, based on the OP's original question, about finding all users between an age range, one would need to determine the start date and end date prior to passing in the SQL. This can easily be done with strtotime(): $ages = explode(',', $_GET['ages'], 2); // get the start/end ages $startDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-$ages[0] years")); $endDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-$ages[1] years")); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `age` BETWEEN $startDate AND $endDate"; Hope that helps. > On 5/8/2005 4:28:44 PM, Andy Pieters (mailings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: > > On Sunday 08 May 2005 15:20, Ryan A wrote: > > > Sorry I know this is OT but I'm hoping someone will still > > > help...it should be quite simple :-) > > > I have a field in the database called "age" which is a DATE field. > > > > > > I also have a webform where the user can select between which ages > > > he wants the records shown... > > > eg: if he types 23,25 then I should get all results where > > > age > =23 and age <=25 > > > > > SELECT * FROM > > `table` > > WHERE `age` BETWEEN 25 AND 26; > > > > You might want to sanitize your input first. > > > > Like using intval() on your input or mysql_escape_string -- Matthew Weier O'Phinney | WEBSITES: Webmaster and IT Specialist | http://www.garden.org National Gardening Association | http://www.kidsgardening.com 802-863-5251 x156 | http://nationalgardenmonth.org mailto:matthew@xxxxxxxxxx | http://vermontbotanical.org -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php