On Friday 06 May 2005 19:59, Kirsten wrote: > I need to reduce the size of the HTM generated by a PHP script for faster > transmission. I'm actually using ob_start("ob_gzhandler") but I also need > some function to reduce the size of javascript blocks, deletion of > unnecesary blanks, etc. Hi Kirsten, You know, PHP can be used to create all kinds of files "on the fly". It is not limited to html files. I would suggest you rewrite your javascript into a seperate file. <?php header("Content-Type: text/javascript"); $action=@ intval($_GET['function']); switch ($action) {case 0: echo <<<_firstpart function first(e) {blablaabla } _firstpart; break; } ?> When you need to call javascript functions, include them like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="myscript.js.php?function=0"></script> With this scheme, the browser can cache the different bits of the script, and you don't need to send all of the script on each page hit. Kind regards Andy -- Registered Linux User Number 379093 -- --BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GAT/O/>E$ d-(---)>+ s:(+)>: a--(-)>? C++++$(+++) UL++++>++++$ P-(+)>++ L+++>++++$ E---(-)@ W+++>+++$ !N@ o? !K? W--(---) !O !M- V-- PS++(+++) PE--(-) Y+ PGP++(+++) t+(++) 5-- X++ R*(+)@ !tv b-() DI(+) D+(+++) G(+) e>++++$@ h++(*) r-->++ y--()>++++ -- ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ -- Check out these few php utilities that I released under the GPL2 and that are meant for use with a php cli binary: http://www.vlaamse-kern.com/sas/ -- -- -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php