I have a file called application.php and this file I define all of the directories in my site:
class object {}; $CFG = new object;
$CFG->wwwroot = http://www.mydomain.com; $CFG->dirroot = "/usr/home/myaccount/public_html";
$CFG->admindir = "$CFG->wwwroot/admin"; $CFG->claimsdir_adm = "$CFG->admindir/claims"; $CFG->clientsdir = "$CFG->admindir/clients"; $CFG->cssdir = "$CFG->wwwroot/css"; $CFG->expense_categoriesdir = "$CFG->admindir/expense_categories"; $CFG->projectsdir = "$CFG->admindir/projects"; $CFG->shoppingdir = "$CFG->wwwroot/shopping"; ...
This works very well and means if I change a directory name or move a directory I only have to update this file. application.php is included on every page so all I have to do to link to another directory would be something like:
<p>Click <a href="<?php echo $CFG->expense_categoriesdir; ?>?action=add_expense_category">here</a> to add a category</p>
The problem with this is that the URL's include the http://www.mydomain.com/ and are therefore not relative links. Is there a way to link to the root directory from wherever I am within the directory structure?
Thanks for your advice
Just put a / in front of your folders. Instead of putting the whole domain name the slash in front of anything will refer to the root of the site while not statically putting the domain name.
Mathieu Dumoulin
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