hi all i have a query that grabs records from the database, it works fine, but i have a problem with acondition i want to set for it the variable $Record[Relate] has 1 of 2 values, "self" or "share" what i wanna do is that when the variable has the value "share" it do check the records grabbed and get the other records that has the value share and $Record[Title] the same and display them once, i don't know how to start doing this, can anyone guide me or tell me how to do it thanks in advance here is the query <? $Query = "SELECT ID FROM projects"; $Result= mysql_query($Query); $Total_Numbers = mysql_num_rows($Result); $StartingID=$_GET['StartingID']; $StartingID = ($StartingID) ? $StartingID : 0; //if rec is passed in, use it, $Row = array(); $Query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT $StartingID,$Items_Numbers"); $Num = mysql_num_rows($Query); while ($Record=mysql_fetch_array($Query)){ $Record[ID] = stripslashes($Record[ID]); $Record[User] = stripslashes($Record[User]); $Record[Relate] = stripslashes($Record[Relate]); $Record[Thumb] = stripslashes($Record[Thumb]); $Record[Shot] = stripslashes($Record[Shot]); $Record[Title] = stripslashes($Record[Title]); $Record[Link] = stripslashes($Record[Link]); $Record[Type] = stripslashes($Record[Type]); $Record[Skill] = stripslashes($Record[Skill]); $Record[Info] = stripslashes($Record[Info]); $Record[Time] = stripslashes($Record[Time]); $Record[Date] = stripslashes($Record[Date]); $Record[Rate] = stripslashes($Record[Rate]); $Record[Raters] = stripslashes($Record[Raters]); $Row[] = $Record; } $Next = $StartingID+$Items_Numbers; $Prev = $StartingID-$Items_Numbers; ?> -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php