Here's source code to one I wrote ages and ages ago... Here's a similar one with PDF output: Help yourself to whatever bits and pieces you want. YMMV On Fri, April 29, 2005 2:25 am, Angelo Zanetti said: > I got a script from a friend of mine. > Otherwise I would have definitely given the URL... > > > Petar Nedyalkov wrote: > >>On Friday 29 April 2005 11:43, Angelo Zanetti wrote: >> >> >>>Dont worry guys i solved it. >>> >>> >> >>And if you name the solution, it'll be a perfect finish for this thread. >>Remember, this mailing-list is used as a knowledge base from a lot of >> people. >> >> >> >>>Angelo Zanetti wrote: >>> >>> >>>>Hi all. >>>> >>>>Im looking for a PHP/Javascript calender that is a full page calender. >>>>IE: for each day there is quite a big block. Therefore it will be a >>>>bigger form of a date picker. What I want to do is to be able to assign >>>>notes for each day. I've seen the smarty calender which is exactly what >>>>I need but Im not using smarty for this particular project. >>>> >>>>thanks in advance. >>>> >>>> >> >> >> > -- Like Music? -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: