I'm back hahaha :D
I'm making functions to calculate the duration (only laboral days) between 2 dates and the initial and final date between a duration give me in laboral days.
I use the following function to make the diference between 2 dates:
function fecDiferenciaFechas($fecFechaInicio,$fecFechaFin)
if ($fecFechaFin == -1 || $fecFechaInicio == -1)
return false;
$iDiferencia = $fecFechaFin - $fecFechaInicio;
//Inicializamos la variable
$iDias = 0;
//Devolvemos la diferencia en dias
return ($iDiferencia/86400);
The problem is that with a duration of 220 the return is 219.958333, where im losing precision?
(Sorry for my home english :P)
-- Mario de Frutos Dieguez
División de Ingeniería del Software
y Comunicaciones
CARTIF -Parque Tecnológico Boecillo
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