Re: PHP, Apache, Windows 2003

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/* My response is below */
 [quoting person="Reynier Perez Mira"]
>Recently I installed Windows 2003 Server. Now I try to install Apache >
2.0.48 and PHP 5.0.4. First I install PHP 5.0.4 from source binary to Win32 
>downloaded from <> <> . 
It's means that >php5apache2.dll is include in this packet. Well when I try 
to config the >httpd.conf file and put this LoadModule 
C:/PHP/php5apache2.dll into >Modules config the service doesn't start. Why? 
Some help?
 You need to tell Apache what function this module file will perform. You 
are onlly telling it the path to the file. You could specify the any module 
with a VERY descriptive file name, but Apache still doesn't know what to do 
with it.
 You need to use this type of a directive.
 LoadModule php5_module "C:/PHP/php5apache2.dll"
 The first argument passed will tell Apache the function of this file, and 
the second argument tells it where to look for the library.
 Hope it helps!
The Disguised Jedi

Now you have my $0.02. Or .01 Pounds, .014 Euros, or $0.025 CAN. I'm 
world-wide BABY!
PHP rocks!
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