Hi, Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 12:39:54 AM, you wrote: TDJ> Is there a quick way to convert a TIFF format picture to a GIF quickly? I TDJ> can only find support for GIFs in PHP, but maybe I'm missing something. I TDJ> have a client running a photography business, and I have designed an image TDJ> watermark and resizing engine, and a server to check the request, serve the TDJ> file, and then delete it. I mainly made this to help him run the site TDJ> himself, since he isn't very good with Photoshop, and can't watermark the TDJ> images (I shouldn't say that...he probably could, but not very fast....but TDJ> anyway...). TDJ> This is all working fine and dandy, but the system will only accept GIF TDJ> format. His images are all raw scans in TIFF format. This means that he has TDJ> to open the image in Photoshop, resize it, and convert it to a GIF. I think TDJ> he can do this himself, but I'd like to make it even simpler, which is why TDJ> I'm writing. TDJ> I need a quick way, preferably in PHP, but it doesn't have to be, to TDJ> convert large batches of TIFF format images to GIF. Does anyone know of a TDJ> way to do this? TDJ> Thanks for reading, and for your responses in advance... I use netpbm for conversion to png from tiffs and windows bitmaps like this: //$tempname from fileupload tmpname //$file from fileupload name $jobpath = '/wherever/you/want/files/stored'; if($im = getimagesize($tempname)){ if($im[0] > 0){ //cleanup filename $file = ereg_replace("'","",$file); $file = ereg_replace("%20","_",$file); $file = ereg_replace(" ","_",$file); $ext = @substr($file, (@strrpos($file, ".") ? @strrpos($file, ".") + 1 : @strlen($file)), @strlen($file)); $fname = basename($file,$ext); switch(intval($im[2])){ case 7: case 8: //force a tif extension for netpbm $tfilename = $jobpath.'/'.$fname.'tif'; move_uploaded_file($tempname, $tfilename); $file = $fname.'png'; $filename = $jobpath.'/'.$file; shell_exec ("/path/to/netpbm/bin/tifftopnm -quiet $tfilename | /path/to/netpbm/bin/pnmtopng > $filename"); break; case 6: //force a bmp extension for netpbm $tfilename = $jobpath.'/'.$fname.'bmp'; move_uploaded_file($tempname, $tfilename); $file = $fname.'png'; $filename = $jobpath.'/'.$file; shell_exec ("/path/to/netpbm/bin/bmptoppm -quiet $tfilename | /path/to/netpbm/bin/pnmtopng > $filename"); break; default: $filename = $jobpath.'/'.$file; move_uploaded_file($tempname, $filename); break; } } } -- regards, Tom -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php