Hi, I'm using FPDF (http://www.fpdf.org/) to create a... PDF. I'm trying to use a variable inside an instruction, but i'm getting errors or malformed PDFs and i can't figure how to overcome them. This instruction $pdf->Cell(60,10,'Powered by FPDF.',0,1,'C'); inserts a line in the PDF, starting in coordinates 60,10 of the sheet, without border (0), breaking to the next line (1) and centered (C). Now, i want to use this with a variable: $pdf->Cell(40,10,'CV de ' . $full_name . ',' . 0,0 . ',C'); The problem here is that the part ,0,1, is not stringed, while C is. So, what i get in the PDF is Curriculum Vitae de Mário Gamito,0,0,C (Mário Gamito == $full_name) So, how to "unparse" the ,0,1, in the middle of the instruction ? Any help would be apreciated. Warm Regards, Mário Gamito -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php