I regularly need to insert data into MySQL.. and instead of writing Insert query everytime i wrote this function... and it works well..
Please see and tell is it a good idea using this..or there might be problems with it?
function db_query($sql) {
global $dbh;
$result = mysql_query($sql,$dbh) or die(mysql_error());
return $result;
function insertArray($table, $array) { //var_dump($array); $sql1="INSERT INTO `".$table."`("; $sql2=") VALUES(";
while (list($key,$value) = each($array)) {
//echo ("$key, $value <BR>"); $sql1=$sql1."`".$key."`,"; $sql2=$sql2."\"".$value."\","; } $sql1=rtrim($sql1,","); $sql2=rtrim($sql2,","); $sql=$sql1.$sql2.")"; //echo $sql; db_query($sql); }
And when i need to insert any data I create it as an array like below and call function:
$fields=array( "Title" => $Title, "OwnerMemberId" => $memberid, "Address" => $Address, "City" => $City, "State" => $State, "Pin" => $Pin );
insertArray("Property", $fields);
where Property is the table name - Free Website Promotion - A Complete Guide http://hostwindow.info/web-hosting/9/free-website-promotion/1/
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