Hi list: I'm receive a theme class call Computers Graphics in wich my and my friends programming making use of OpenGL library. Few day ago I have a brilliiant or an stupid idea to narrate to my teacher if I can make my final course project with PHP. They tell me that is possible always I use OpenGL. So, I investigate in Discussion Boards and they tell me that exists SDL library and I can use it to comunicate my application with OpenGL. Well Y have the phpSDL library and I made my fisrt things. But I have a problem and it's that I haven't more information to continue. If exists somebody in this list that this idea pass for his mind can help me? Or somebody know how obtain documentation about it? Regards Reynier Pérez Mira 3ero. Ing. Informática Entre más inteligente me siento, más me doy cuenta de lo ignorante que soy.