I though you could limit it in the php.ini file. OR, you can determine
it's length through php and then discard it. I remember reading
something about limiting file size and overidding that limit in the
script. If i find it i will post it here.
Richard Davey wrote:
Hello Marc,
Wednesday, April 13, 2005, 3:08:06 PM, you wrote:
ms> Hi, i want to create a form to upload a file on a server. My
ms> problem is that i want to check the filesize before sending it
ms> because if the filesize is superior than 2 MB it failed and i
ms> don't want to wait for a long time for uploading a file that will
ms> fail.
This isn't possible with PHP alone. You could do it by using some kind
of client-side uploader (Java applet, maybe a JavaScript post-back,
etc), but not PHP by itself.
Best regards,
Richard Davey
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