Thanks I checked fusebox.. its really nice and interesting.. Still I
wasnt able to find anything related to managing users on its site..
or I have to seperately built a user authentication system?
Stephen March wrote:
This is one of the many reasons I've been using Fusebox for the past few
It's an open sourced framework that provides you with an interesting way to
do includes, to break your application out into MVC (Model View Controller)
and allows you to provide a better granular security. You then control the
users permissions to a series of circuits and fuses (much like folders and
functions) - rather than to specific code pages.
For my purposes I find it more beneficial to diagram out my UML Use Cases (A
user will do 'x', whereas an administrator will do 'y'). Eventually you
will need a mechanism to store that information - whether it be a MySQL
table or a directory server accessible via LDAP.
I generally try to develop a table for roles (or groups), for users,
permissions. Assign the permissions to the roles, and assign a user to
I haven't found an "easy" solution per-se, but this is effective for me.
~Stephen March, CIS, BSc
-----Original Message-----
From: Dasmeet Singh [mailto:singhdasmeet@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 4:15 AM
To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; angelo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: User Management
And how to manage user and their permissions.. should I store each page
name in a table and then store permissions of each and every user to
individual pages in another table?
Is there any other way to do this?
angelo@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
use an include file at the top of each page.
in this include file you will check to see whether that user has access
to see that page, if they dont then just redirect to the main menu page
or an error page.
hope this helps
Angelo Zanetti
Z Logic
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