Now I'm having the problem of displaying the tasks properly.
For the time being, all tasks on a specific day gets its own column, but I want them to only appear in a new column if they collide with another task.
Example: (example viewn with Courier New) (Now) (Should be) |--------| |--------| |11 | |11111111| | | | | | 22 | |2222 | | 22 44| |22224444| | 44| | 4444| | 3344| |33334444| | 44| | 4444| | 44| | 4444| |--------| |--------|
Im using <div> tags and absolute positions, Here is my current "collision script":
#The $printTask is built up as follows
#$printTask[day_of_week][unique_task_id] = settings_for_this
#unique_task_id is allways different
#settings_for_this contains:
# sx = starting y position
# sy = starting x position
# ey = ending y position
# id = says wich task the settings are made for, different from unique_task_id
if(is_array($printTask)) ksort($printTask);
foreach($printTask as $id_1 => $day){
if(is_array($printTask[$id_3])) ksort($printTask[$id_3]);
print n();
foreach($day as $id_2 => $task){
$width = 100;
$collides = array();
foreach($day as $id_3 => $task2){
if($id_3 != $id_2){
if($task['sy'] <= $task2['sy'] && $task['ey'] >= ($task2['ey'] + $task2['sy'])){
if(is_array($printTask[$id_1][$id_3]['c']) && in_array("c_data_".$task['id'],$printTask[$id_1][$id_3]['c'])){
$printTask[$id_1][$id_2]['l'][] = "c_data_".$task2['id'];
$printTask[$id_1][$id_2]['c'][] = "c_data_".$task2['id'];
}elseif($task['sy'] >= $task2['sy'] && $task['ey'] <= ($task2['ey'] + $task2['sy'])){
if(is_array($printTask[$id_1][$id_3]['c']) && in_array("c_data_".$task['id'],$printTask[$id_1][$id_3]['c'])){
$printTask[$id_1][$id_2]['l'][] = "c_data_".$task2['id'];
$printTask[$id_1][$id_2]['c'][] = "c_data_".$task2['id'];
$fe['max'] = arrayMax($fe['tasks']);
foreach($printTask as $id_1 => $day){
foreach($day as $id_2 => $task){
$w = 0; $l = 0; $c = 0;
$w+= count($task['c']);
$c = count($task['c']);
$w+= count($task['l']);
$l = count($task['l']);
$width = 100;
if($w > 0) $width = (int)(100 / ($w + 1))+($w == $l?$l:0);
$left = 67 + ($id_1 * 101);
if($l > 0) $left+= (int)((100 / ($w + 1)) * $l) - $l;
printDiv($left, $task['sy'], makeColor($fe['max'] + 1, $task['id']), $task['ey'], $width, $task['id'], 0, 0, $task['cf'], $task['cb']);
I hope you will be able to help me, I've gotten gray hairs over this one //SIEGFRIED
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