Hello List: I'm using PEAR DB and Smarty. The case is that I have to pass a value from a query result to a Smarty var. I try to paginate results. See the code below: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SmartyPaginate::connect(); SmartyPaginate::setLimit(5); $gbresult = $database->query("SELECT * FROM libro_de_visitas LIMIT " . SmartyPaginate::getCurrentIndex() . "," . SmartyPaginate::getLimit()); $gbtotal = $database->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM libro_de_visitas"); $gbtotal->fetchRow(); SmartyPaginate::setTotal($gbtotal['total']); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// As you can see I need the COUNT value but I not know how get it from query using PEAR. Some body can help me? Regards Reynier Pérez Mira 3ero. Ing. Informática Entre más inteligente me siento, más me doy cuenta de lo ignorante que soy.