Hi all, I currently have php 4.3.10 loaded on a windows 2003 server running apache 2.0.52. PHP and the web server work fine. I've got the code (that used to work on an old NT box running IIS and an earlier version of PHP...I think 4.1 or 4.2??) //.....code $excel = new COM("Excel.Application") or Die ("Did not connect"); //Open the workbook that we want to use. $book = $excel->Application->Workbooks->Open($reportPath.$rptName); //....more code Again...that used to work on NT, but now I can't get it to work on 2003. I believe the issue lies with the new COM() line, but it doesn't print out the or die statement. I've followed the article on this site (which is how I got this Excel COM function to work with NT in the first place: http://www.phpbuilder.net/columns/venkatesan20030501.php3]http://www.php builder.net/columns/venkatesan20030501.php3 but perhaps this doesn't apply to the new win 2003 server? I have the appropriate IUSR_MACHINE_Name user with Excel COM launch, etc. permissions. Any ideas? :idea: Thanks. EDIT: some more info... when i run this script...nothing happens. at least that i can see. I look in the O/S event logs, nothing shows up there related to this. I look in the apache logs...nothing on this. This script was run via the cmd line on the NT box (& should be run by cmd line on the 2003 box as well). When I run the script (F:\somedir>theScript.php)...it pauses for about 2 seconds then just returns to the command line. I've got the php.ini file set to display all errors turned on. still, nothing is displayed in the cmd window. So I run a basic test: parse errror: the code: <? //****************************** //Create the spreadsheet object. //****************************** $basePath = "F:\\_jobs\\reports\\adhoc\\SomeReportDir\\"; $reportPath = $basePath."report\\SomeReport.xls"; $excel = new COM("Excel.Application") or Die ("Did not connect"); if ($excel !=== FALSE) { //This is the error line?!?! I even tried "FALSE". print "Testing output.\n"; print $excel; } else { print "Error"; die(); } $book = $excel->Application->Workbooks->Open($reportPath.$rptName); ?> F:\_jobs\reports\scripts>excel.php PHP Parse error: parse error in F:\_jobs\reports\scripts\excel.php on line 10 Content-type: text/html <br /> <b>Parse error</b>: parse error in <b>F:\_jobs\reports\scripts\excel.php</b> on line <b>10</b><br /> F:\_jobs\reports\scripts> Why won't this work on windows 2003 server...or at least give me an error that I can "work" with? Thanks.