I am having difficulty thingking how can i both add a quantity on a item, and at the same time detect if my clients did check the box. Like this: http://dev.axishift.com/php/qtybox/qtybox.html Here's the code i did, on how to catch the checkbox: ### code ### foreach ($_GET as $varname => $value) $parameters[$varname] = $value; if (empty($parameters["add"])) { die("Incorrect parameters"); exit; } foreach($parameters as $itemName => $itemValue) { if ($itemValue == "add") { end; } else { $itemExists = "select count(*) from catchorders_pending where uniqueID = '$itemValue'"; $itemExists_result = $dbData->getOne($itemExists); if ($itemExists_result == 0) { $insertData = $dbData->query("INSERT INTO catchorders_pending (uid,uniqueID) values ('$uid','$itemValue')"); } else { //print("exist: $itemValue"); }; // end if exist }; // end if itemvalue }; // end of foreach ### code ### Is it possible to add a input box, where i can add ex: quantity of items and at the same time they can check the box? is it possible on my code? please help!. -- Louie Miranda http://www.axishift.com -- under development