Hi to all, I've wrote a program with a web-browser interface (IE) and a built-in server (INDY) which call the php-cgi.exe CGI application and redirect stdio/stdout/sterr to pass .php scripts readed from a crypted and zipped sets of files. The arguments are passed between QUERY_STRING enviroment variabile and all work very well. A this point to include a file in a my script I must use for each .PHP file: <?php $g_hostname = 'http://localhost:' . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; require_once $g_hostname . '/config_inc.php'; require_once $g_hostname . '/html_api.php'; html_begin(HTML_DOCTYPE_FRAMESET); html_head_begin(); html_head_end(); html_frameset_begin(); html_frameset_end(); html_end(); ?> There is another way (i think to php.ini) to set default include, require_once, working area to my 'http://localhost:xxx/' avoid to manually insert upon code ? thank you very much.... and sorry for my ignorance about php matter Silverio -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php