Hi, I have an VPS server wich runs cPanel. My PHP version currently installed is 5.0.3 and had no problems until now. I've been trying to upgrade my PHP version from 5.0.3 to 5.0.4 with no success. I've tried doing it with WHM and also tried to do it manually with ./configure and make. Always I've get an error when the system is going to build the library libphp5.la and the building finishes there. The error I get is: make: *** [libphp5.la] Error 1 I've been searching about this error, but found no significant information about it. The two things I've found is: 1. The package could be corrupted (But packages are chacked with md5). 2. There is not memory on the server to compile PHP. Perhaps it could be the problem, as I followed a compile and it looks like it crashes when the memory gets low. Also I've tried to recompile PHP 5.0.3 wich is now running on my server and I get the same error. Perhaps this could be related with the new builder realease that cPanel released, and wich includes some more stuff (like the mysqli extension)? I'm really stuck with this triying to recompile PHP on my box, but had no success. Any help about this issue will be really apreciated. Regards, Jordi. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php