Check the value of um... $_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER] (check my spelling). If
it's not from your own host, then bail out... or return a static image
saying something along the lines of "this image stolen without permission"
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Sebastian wrote:
i have an issue with site linking directly to my images.
the problem is these images are generated on the fly with php/gd -- they're
generated each time its viewed because i have done some watermarking
manipulation and didnt want to watermaker them in a static way. they're
including the images like this:
<img src=">
not only is bandwidth usage increase but so does cpu because php/gd has to
process them as well.. if they're including 5 or 6 of these images on a
single page i can imagin how much cpu is being used.
how can i work around this, if at all possible?
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