Hello all, sorry if this has been asked allready but i didn't find any usefull information in the web. Why is this function not working in PHP5? function getNavigationContent($content_path) { $i = 0; $dir = opendir($content_path); while ($file = readdir ($dir)) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !in_array($file, explode(',', $this->arrConf['default_filtered_files']))) { $arrAvailableContent[$i] = $file; if(is_dir($content_path . $file)) { echo $n = 0; $subdir = opendir($content_path . $file); while ($subfile = readdir ($subdir)) { if ($subfile != "." && $subfile != "..") { /* * This line does not work in PHP5 cause off an illegal string offset in an array ERROR */ $arrAvailableContent[$i]['submenu'][$n]['file'] = $subfile; $n++; } } closedir($subdir); } $i++; } } closedir($dir); return $arrAvailableContent; } Can someone help? Regards -- # Johannes Findeisen -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php