Hi Ryan,
From what i have been reading, wrapping all my GET and POST requests in a htmlentities() function should keep me safe....right? or what else should i/can i do?
No, let me start by correcting a misunderstanding. Yes, htmlentities() is an escaping function, but it is for escaping data for use in HTML (e.g., data being sent to the client), not data for use in SQL (e.g., data being sent to a database).
To answer this question in reverse, to have an SQL vulnerability generally requires that you fail to take the two most important steps:
1. Filter input. 2. Escape output.
Filtering input doesn't modify it at all. This is the step where you inspect data to prove its validity. For example, this is one way to filter a username that is required to be alphanumeric:
$clean = array();
if (ctype_alnum($_POST['username'])) { $clean['username'] = $_POST['username']; }
Escaping output is the process by which you prepare data to be sent to some external system. The client is the most common, since that's where standard out goes, and databases are probably the second most common. The process of escaping does modify data, but only in an attempt to preserve it. The escaping process should preserve data in the sense that any characters that might be interpreted by the external system are represented with an escaped syntax. For example, this is one way to escape a username (that has already been filtered as demonstrated above) for use with a MySQL query:
$mysql = array();
$mysql['username'] = mysql_real_escape_string($clean['username']);
$query = "SELECT * FROM profile WHERE username = '{$mysql['username']}'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
I left out basic error checking and such, but hopefully this makes the escaping part clear.
I don't recommend skipping either of these two crucial steps, but escaping can help protect you against weak or broken filtering. Because there are built-in escaping functions for most external systems, you should rely on these where possible.
Hope that helps.
-- Chris Shiflett Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy http://brainbulb.com/
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