Hi, I am trying to build the latest stable release of php (4.3.10) I've successfully compiled but when I run "make test" the following are the two bugs that fail. FAILED TEST SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug #24142 (round() problems) [ext/standard/tests/math/bug24142.phpt] Bug #25694 (round() and number_format() inconsistency) [ext/standard/tests/math/bug25694.phpt] I've been searching for the past few days and haven't been able find any resolution. >From looking at the Changelog for 4.3.10 http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-4.php it shows that both of these bugs were fixed in the 4.3.10 release. But still the tests fail? Are the bugs fixed and the test case hasn't been updated? My PHP app relies heavily on round(). Any insight into this issue is much appreciated. Thanks, Larry